Detected by an Xbox Kinect sensor, control the full body movement of avatar character at conference events. Get some light exercise and entertainment to beat your opponent.
Using the Xbox Kinect SDK, the game allowed up to two players to play in 3D. It allowed players to interact with falling fruit, collecting as many as possible within 60 seconds. At the client booths, fruit and other objects were displayed as visual icons with key messages.
During private health focused conference events, the game was designed to reinforce the client's key messages and most of all grab as many delegates' attention that it could.
We provided the following services:
The client played the game with delegates at the events for up to three hours per conference. Aspen were able to initiate a dialogue with industry professionals they would not normally be able to connect with. During three events in 2015, we provided on-site support in two major cities, and the gaming equipment and software we developed exceeded the client's expectations. Throughout 2015 and 2016, the client continued to use the game beyond our initial expectations of its lifespan.
Have a game idea? Let us turn it into reality! Contact us today for expert game development services and see how we can bring your vision to life.
"Mode have a level of polish and attention to detail to their work that is impressive and rare. I'd recommend that you talk to them about your next game project."
"Thank you Mode for believing in the kids we work with and throwing everything that you and the team had at this project. And finally – thanks for delivering a super cool and engaging game. Hip hop meets maths and science – got me hooked!"
Our team would love to hear from you. Please provide as much detail about your idea or project as possible, this is so we can begin working with you.
Suite 709, 250 Pitt St. Sydney NSW Australia 2000